Beer Bacon Mac and Cheese

Ingredients :
Beer and Bacon Mac and Cheese :
1 package of Pasta Noodles (I used Ziti)
8 slices of bacon
2 cups of Bechamel sauce (details below)
2 cups of sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1 cup of beer, (lager or Ale... Ale worked better)
1 tsp of dry oregano
salt and pepper

Sauce :
about 2 cups of milk (2% or whole is best, 1% is still fine)
2 tbsp of butter
2 tbsp of flour
pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
salt and pepper

Instructions :
-Start by making your bacon crumbles. Bake the slices in the oven for best result. I bake mine on aluminum foil lined baking sheet for 15 to 20 minutes on 400 F. Once it cools of just a bit chop it to small pieces to get your bacon crumbles.

-Now cook the pasta, but don't cook it all the way, it needs to still have a good bite to it because you will bake it for a few minutes after it is mixed in with the sauce.
While the pasta is cooking prepare your sauce.

-Melt the butter in a pot and add flour, mix it for a minute or two and then add heated milk, mix well with a whisk and add salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Cook until it thickens. -Now that you have the Bechamel Sauce ready add to it beer and 1 1/2 cup of cheese and mix until it all melts together. Add the oregano, bacon crumbles and season with salt and pepper. Reserve a few bacon crumbles for garnish if you like. Mix the pasta with the sauce before transferring it to the baking dish.

-Butter a baking dish and pour the pasta in it, sprinkle with leftover 1/2 cup of cheese and bake on 450 for 10 to 15 minutes, just so the cheese melts on top.
This looks really good if you bake it in individual serving dishes, you can garnish it with the bacon crumbles or some chives or spring onions. Enjoy!